Hybrid online timed automaton learning algorithm for discrete manufacturing systems
Publication date
Document type
Conference paper
Martens, Simon
Maier, Alexander
Wunn, Alexander
Organisational unit
Haver & Boecker OHG
Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences
Book title
Machine learning for cyber physical systems
Part of the university bibliography
Cyber physical production system
Model identification
Hybrid timed automata
Anomaly detection
This paper presents the Hybrid Online Timed Automaton Learning Algorithm (HyOTALA), a novel approach for anomaly detection in cyber-physical production systems (CPPS). It addresses the challenge of using hybrid data, combining sparse discrete and continuous signals, by learning a hybrid timed automaton model in an online setting. This model captures the dynamics of discrete manufacturing processes and provides significant advances in model identification for CPPS. The effectiveness of HyOTALA is demonstrated through a practical application, highlighting its potential to improve anomaly detection capabilities in industrial settings.
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