Computation of the Coupled Dynamics of Fibers in a Spray
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Research article
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Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (PAMM)
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Part of the university bibliography
The PUR-fiber-spray molding technology is a manufacturing process which produces polyurethane-based (PUR) composites by spraying the matrix together with reinforcing fibers in a tool form or on a substrate. Thereby chopped fibers are laterally (sidewise) injected in the polyurethane-air spray cone for wetting before the entire composite is spread on the substrate, where it starts curing. To investigate and compute the fiber orientation and density distribution in the final composites manufactured by this process, a new approach simplifying the multiply coupled interaction of the three phases is presented in this paper. Hereby it is presumed that the final position and orientation of a fiber on a substrate results from its dynamics and coupled interactions with air, PUR-droplets and other fibers within the spray cone. Thus, a model of the process is built, that computes the transient behavior of the air-liquid droplets mixture by the CFD code ANSYS Fluent and its influence on the dynamics of the fibers by an extra code called FIDYST. For this multiphase problem two approaches are presented for the droplet-fiber coupling using a concept called “homogenization” of the liquid phase (droplets in the continuous phase).
Cite as
Diffo, P., Wulf, P. and Breuer, M. (2010), Computation of the Coupled Dynamics of Fibers in a Spray. Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., 10: 725-726.
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