Now showing 1 - 10 of 69
  • Publication
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    Suchbewegungen und Ansätze nachhaltiger digitaler Schulentwicklung am Beispiel des Projekts "Smarte Schulen" (SMASCH)
    (Pestalozzianum, 2023-02-07)
    Cafantaris, Karola
    Ausgehend von der Frage, wie das Thema Nachhaltigkeit im aktuellen Diskurs über Schulentwicklung in der digitalen Welt eingebettet ist, schlägt der Beitrag ein alternatives Verständnis von Nachhaltigkeit digitaler Schulentwicklungsprozesse vor. In Rückgriff auf bisherige Programme digitaler Schulentwicklung und bildungspolitische Agenden wird eine Einordnung unterschiedlicher Diskursstränge in Bezug auf Nachhaltigkeit unternommen, um das Schulentwicklungs- und Forschungsprojekt Smarte Schulen (SMASCH, daran anknüpfend vorzustellen. Anhand des Projekts SMASCH wird ein entwicklungsorientierter Forschungsansatz beschrieben, der den Nachhaltigkeitsbegriff im empirischen Feld zum einen zur Diskussion stellt und ihn zum anderen eher als ein Anerkennen nicht auflösbarer Dilemmata nachhaltig-digitaler Schulentwicklung statt eines umfassenden Anspruchs digitaler Schulentwicklung fasst. Einblicke in bisher erhobenes Material beleuchten, dass in Schulen zwar über Nachhaltigkeit gesprochen wird, diese jedoch meist im strukturellen Sinne von Dauerhaftigkeit gefasst wird und ein inhaltliches Verständnis im Sinne eines Abwägens von Spannungsfeldern bisher nur unstrukturiert einfliesst.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Auf dem Weg zur Digitalität in Schule
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Forschungscluster OPAL, 2023) ; ; ;
    Junne, Barbara
    Czarnojan, Izabela
  • Publication
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    Transformation of Education Policy and Governance in the Digital Era
    (Oxford University Press, 2022) ;
    Piattoeva, Nelli
    Saari, Antti
    Savage, Glenn
    Busemeyer, Marius
    Marx, Paul
    Kemmerling, Achim
    van Kersbergen, Kees
  • Publication
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    Introduction Space- and time-making in education: Towards a topological lens
    Decuypere, Mathias
    van de Oudeweetering, Karmijn
    Over the last decades, the way we think about space and time in relation to the field of education has changed substantially. New societal evolutions have urged scholars to come to grips with the increasing difficulty of approaching educational practices in terms of existing “static” (e.g. topographical) representations of space and “linear” (e.g. chronological) models of time. As a result, different lines of research have been developed that seek to extend our spatiotemporal understanding not only conceptually and theoretically, but also through novel methodologies and new kinds of empirical analyses. This Special Issue extensively discusses and further elaborates on one approach informing these lines of research: (social) topology. In this editorial, we outline the topological lens and discuss its origins in the field of mathematics. After discussing how topology was adopted in the broad field of the social sciences, we show how it has gradually come to inform educational research as well. We argue that the topological lens is particularly fruitful to investigate the (mutual) construction of space and time. Briefly discussing each contribution in the Special Issue, we show how the Special Issue contributes to the further development, and making accessible, of topology as an educational research approach.
  • Publication
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    National Education Systems in the Post-national Era: The Territorial and Topological (De-)construction of National Education
    (Beck, 2022)
    Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo
    Jornitz, Sieglinde
    Parreira do Amaral, Marcelo
  • Publication
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    Decuypere, Mathias
    Over the past years, there has been an increasing prevalence of ‘nudge thinking’ in the educational field. While (critical) research on the rising adoption of nudging has increasingly proliferated in the broader social sciences over the past decades, nudging in education–what we designate here as Edunudge–is, however, only starting to be given substantial academic attention and still requires more nuanced conceptual and empirical investigation. As we argue in this contribution, such investigations should not only carefully disentangle the enormous complexity of nudging in education, including the role of digital and automated technologies. Equally, they should take more systematically into account the traditional closeness of the fields of pedagogy and behavioral insights. In line with that argumentation, the goal of this article is to develop foundations of such an Edunudge research program, focusing on four different dimensions: the technomodalities, the political economy, the spacetimes, and the pedagogies of Edunudge.
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    Learning spaces: built, natural and digital considerations for learning and learners
    (UNESCO MGIEP, 2022)
    Kraftl, P.
    McKenzie, M.
    Gulson, K.
    Accioly, I.
    Blackmore, J.
    Burke, C.
    Carlo, P.
    Clarke, D. A. G.
    Daniels, H.
    Fregoso Bailon, R. O.
    Goodyear, V.
    Goodyear, P.
    Gunasekara, I.
    Hickman Dunne, J.
    Howard, S.
    Lupinacci, J.
    Mcphie, J.
    Mannion, G.
    Meyer, M. A.
    Nemorin, S.
    Nxumalo, F.
    Parnell, R.
    Pykett, J.
    Ratuio, P.
    Sefton Green, J.
    Selwyn, N.
    Stovall, D.
    Southgate, E.
    Talbert, R.
    Teelucksingh, C.
    Tucker, R.
    Uduku, O.
    Wilson, A.
    Wood, A.
    Bugden, S.
    Borst, G.
  • Publication
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  • Publication
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    Pandemic Acceleration: Covid-19 and the emergency digitalization of European education
    Cone, Lucas
    Brøgger, Katja
    Berghmans, Mieke
    Decuypere, Mathias
    Förschler, Lea-Annina
    Grimaldi, Emiliano
    Hillman, Thomas
    Ideland, Malin
    Landri, Paolo
    van de Oudeweetering, Karmijn
    Player-Koro, Catarina
    Bergviken Rensfeldt, Annika
    Rönnberg, Linda
    Taglietti, Danilo
    Vanermen, Lanze
    With schools and universities closing across Europe, the Covid-19 lockdown left actors in the field of education battling with the unprecedented challenge of finding a meaningful way to keep the wheels of education turning online. The sudden need for digital solutions across the field of education resulted in the emergence of a variety of digital networks and collaborative online platforms. In this joint article from scholars around Europe, we explore the Covid-19 lockdowns of physical education across the European region, and the different processes of emergency digitalization that followed in their wake. Spanning perspectives from Italy, Germany, Belgium, and the Nordic countries, the article’s five cases provide a glimpse of how these processes have at the same time accelerated and consolidated the involvement of various commercial and non-commercial actors in public education infrastructures. By gathering documentation, registering dynamics, and making intimations of the crisis as it unfolded, the aim of the joint paper is to provide an opportunity for considering the implications of these accelerations and consolidations for the heterogeneous futures of European education.