Arbeits-, Organisations- und Wirtschaftspsychologie
Active Organization Unit
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60 results
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- PublicationOpen AccessWorking from home: opportunities for transformational and health-oriented leadership & specific challenges arising from remote and hybrid work(UB HSU, 2024-12-20)
; ; ; ; ; The rapid evolution of remote and hybrid work arrangements has fundamentally reshaped leadership dynamics, presenting novel challenges and opportunities. As "new ways of working" increasingly become the norm, their impact on our professional lives promises to be long-lasting. This study delves into several critical areas centring around good leadership practices in increasingly digitalized and virtual settings: 1) the applicability of transformational and health-oriented leadership styles in remote and hybrid settings; 2) the impact of effective leadership on employee outcomes; 3) the dependency of leadership effectiveness in remote and hybrid environments on specific working conditions; 4) the benefits that leaders derive from employing healthy leadership styles; and lastly, 5) the distinctive challenges leaders face when managing teams remotely versus in traditional office settings. Our findings are drawn from data collected from two samples throughout Germany and across all sectors. Sample 1 consisted 1318 leaders 2180 employees surveyed in April 2021, sample 2 were 907 leaders and 2124 employees surveyed in September 2022. In our discussion, we outline practical implications for leaders and HR professionals, spotlighting strategies for integrating effective leadership practices within remote and hybrid work frameworks. This study not only highlights the evolving nature of leadership in the digital age but also offers insights into fostering a productive and supportive work environment, irrespective of the physical workspace. - PublicationOpen AccessHybride Führung meistern: Einblicke in die Onlineplattform für Führungskräfte DigiLAP(UB HSU, 2024-12-20)
;Fröhlich, Lene; ; ; ; ;Renner, Karl-HeinzIm Rahmen desörderten Projektes „Digital Leadership and Health“ wurde eine wissenschaftlich fundierte und praxisnahe Lern- und Feedback-Plattform entwickelt, die Führungskräfte in ihrer digitalen Führung unterstützt. Die „Digital Leadership Assistance Platform (DigiLAP)“ ist ein Online-Tool, in dem sich Führungskräfte bezüglich der Chancen und Risiken des digitalen und hybriden Arbeitens, Führens und Zusammenarbeitens selbstständig weiterbilden können. In verschiedenen Basis- und Vertiefungsmodulen vermittelt DigiLAP Informationen zu relevanten Themen wie Gesundheit im Arbeitskontext, Führung, Zusammenhalt im Team oder Zusammenarbeit in Meetings. Führungskräfte haben zudem die Möglichkeit, ihre Situation bezogen auf die verschiedenen Themenbereiche anhand von Selbstchecks zu überprüfen und ihre Einschätzung durch Team-Befragungen mit der Sichtweise ihrer Mitarbeitenden zu vergleichen. Im „Cockpit“ können die Führungskräfte die Befragungsergebnisse anhand eines Ampelsystems im Blick behalten und Entwicklungsverläufe beobachten. Passend zu den Ergebnissen werden konkrete Handlungsempfehlungen und Übungen vorgeschlagen, welche die Führungskräfte dazu befähigen sollen, sich und ihr Team in den kritischen Bereichen weiterzuentwickeln. In einer ersten Testphase wurde DigiLAP von Führungskräften und FachexpertInnen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis ausführlich getestet und anhand einer quantitativen Befragung (N = 30) sowie im Rahmen von Fokusgruppen (N = 18) evaluiert. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass DigiLAP ein hilfreiches Instrument zur Weiterentwicklung digitaler Führungskompetenzen darstellt, welches Führungskräfte durch die eigenständige Bearbeitung sowie Möglichkeit der individuellen Rückmeldung flexibel und maßgeschneidert unterstützt. Nach Abschluss der Testphase wird die Plattform online (kosten)frei zugänglich sein, wodurch Führungskräfte im deutschsprachigen Raum von DigiLAP profitieren können. - PublicationOpen AccessAre videocalls outdated? A comparison with Virtual Reality meetings as a future perspective(UB HSU, 2024-12-20)
; ; ; ; ; ; ;Renner, Karl-HeinzThe rise of remote collaboration tools is transforming team collaboration. Despite its current limitations, Virtual Reality (VR) technology has the potential to overcome the challenges of traditional video calls and enhance remote meetings in the future. This study compares the effectiveness of VR and video calls (MS Teams) on team collaboration. A total of N = 90 participants were performing a problem-solving task, and N = 127 were conducting a creative task in both conditions (VR and video call). Measures of meeting evaluation, engagement, performance, and fatigue were assessed. The results reveal that video call collaboration is superior to enhancing performance. In comparison, VR offers significant benefits regarding comfort, social interaction, and engagement, particularly with creativity tasks. However, at the current stage of technical development, using VR, regardless of the task, is exhausting and causes fatigue. This research highlights the potential of VR as an effective tool for remote collaboration, emphasizing the importance of selecting the right platform based on the specific needs of the collaborative context. - PublicationOpen AccessWorking from home: Opportunities and risks for working conditions, leadership, and health(2022)
; ; ; ;Renner, Karl-Heinz ;Klebe, Laura; ; ; ; - PublicationMetadata onlyHigh-Performance Work Practices and Employee Wellbeing-Does Health-Oriented Leadership Make a Difference?(2022)
; ; ;Klebe, LauraThis paper sheds further light on the contextual boundaries in the relationship between high-performance work practices (HPWPs) and employee wellbeing. In particular, we analyze whether this relationship is moderated by health-oriented leadership behavior (i.e., staff care) which describes the extent to which leaders value, are aware of, and protect their followers' health at work. Our analyses are based on employee data (N = 1,345) from Germany, covering two points in time. Findings show positive associations between HPWPs and happiness-related (i.e., engagement, commitment) and health-related (i.e., general health, physical health complaints, mental health complaints, strain) wellbeing outcomes. The positive relationship between HPWPs and employee wellbeing is weaker the more employees experience leadership behavior in terms of staff care. Thus, our results provide further evidence for a substitutive or compensatory effect between HRM and leadership. - PublicationOpen Access
- PublicationOpen Access
- PublicationOpen AccessBestimmende Einflussfaktoren des Teamresultats: Eine empirische Analyse zum Beitrag nicht intentionaler Einflussvariablen als Prädiktoren der Teamergebnisse(Universitätsbibliothek der HSU/UniBw H, 2021)
;Schenk, Robert ;Scherm, Martin ;Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg - PublicationMetadata only