Neural Network Models of Cognitive Conflict Paradigms
Publication date
Document type
PhD thesis (dissertation)
Kluwe, Rainer H.
Granting institution
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Exam date
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Part of the university bibliography
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DDC Class
150 Psychologie
Cellular Automate
Spiking Neural Network
Jellyfish Simulation
In recent years, some areas of cognitive psychology have proposed formal models in the form of computer simulations, using Back-Propagation Artificial Neural Networks (BP-ANNs). Such models represent an improvement in plausibility, and they allow quantitative results to be compared with empirical data.--- After learning, BP-ANN's cells exhibit a fixed input/output behavior. Using the black box method, this is shown to be a fundamental problem. Cells without an internal state to represent short-time memory cannot account for the sequence of stimuli, nor for the time elapsed between stimuli. As a consequence, BP-ANNs -as well as other neural networks without state-dependant input/output- are inadequate as models of some important cognitive processes. These include classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and sequence effects in cognitive control.--- Another major methodological problem is the use of free parameters. BP-ANNs cognitive models frequently use arbitrary amounts of cells, amounts of layers, connection structure, learning parameter value and other characteristics, without giving a theoretical justification.--- Three methods are proposed here to solve these problems: first, the black box method is used to produce a cell's input/output behavior more similar to that of neurons. Second, the reverse engineering method is used to simulate as many neural features as possible. And, third, a genetic algorithm is used to eliminate arbitrary free parameters.--- The use of these methods is illustrated through a series of spiking neural network models, implementing state-dependant input/output, spikes, refractory period, temporal summation, axon delay and synchronization of neuron groups. A genetic algorithm is used to choose the parameter values in another series of models.--- Finally, the feasibility of following this research strategy using parallel computer hardware is discussed.
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