Agility factor-based power management measures in the face of an increasing share of controllable devices in the residential sector
Publication date
Document type
Organisational unit
IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies ; (Male City, Maledives) : 2023.03.11-12
Book title
2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies (GlobConHT) : the Maldives National University, Male City (Maldives), Mar. 11-12, 2023
Part of the university bibliography
DDC Class
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
Power management
Demand response
Electric vehicle
Smart grid
Energy transition
Agility factors
Urban areas
The continuous efforts to enhance transparency and digitalization of the low-voltage grid will impact grid operation and the load distribution of its components. The impact of an increasing share of flexible and controllable devices in the residential sector in conjunction with an ongoing introduction of modern high power devices has not been devoted the attention this topic deserves in the literature. The major share in literature deals with a maximum extend in flexible and controllable devices. This paper expands the agility factor-based method to a wider set of Demand Response programs and analyses the ramp-up of modern newly introduced devices in the residential sector in a reference grid, based on grid data of the city of Hamburg, Germany. Due to this method the loading development can be evaluated and critical grid sections can be selected for further analysis. Additionally, the dynamic grid connection point power limitation based on the agility factor method is introduced as Demand Response program and a possible countermeasure against energy paybacks following variable energy pricing schemes.
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