Survey of Semantic Description of REST APIs
Publication date
Document type
Sammelbandbeitrag oder Buchkapitel
Verborgh, Ruben
Harth, Andreas
Stadtmüller, Steffen
Steiner, Thomas
Taheriyan, Mohsen
Van de Walle, Rik
Organisational unit
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Book title
REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications
First page
Last page
Part of the university bibliography
Application programming interfaces (API)
Application scenario
Architectural style
Client application
Individual service
OR application
Semantic description
Service consumer
Service provider
Specific processor
The REST architectural style assumes that client and server form a contract with content negotiation, not only on the data format but implicitly also on the semantics of the communicated data, i.e., an agreement on how the data have to be interpreted [247]. In different application scenarios such an agreement requires vendor-specific content types for the individual services to convey the meaning of the communicated data. The idea behind vendor-specific content types is that service providers can reuse content types and service consumers can make use of specific processors for the individual content types. In practice however, we see that many RESTful APIs on the Web simply make use of standard non-specific content types, e.g., text/xml or application/json [150]. Since the agreement on the semantics is only implicit, programmers developing client applications have to manually gain a deep understanding of several APIs from multiple providers. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. All rights are reserved.
Cite as
Verborgh, R. et al. (2014). Survey of Semantic Description of REST APIs. In: Pautasso, C., Wilde, E., Alarcon, R. (eds) REST: Advanced Research Topics and Practical Applications. Springer, New York, NY.
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