Finite Element Approximation of the eXtended Fluid-Structure Interaction (eXFSI) Problem
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Conference paper
Organisational unit
ASME Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting 2016
Volume (part of multivolume book)
Part of the university bibliography
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Enthalten in: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Fluids Engineering Division. Turbomachinery flow simulation and optimization; applications in CFD; bio-inspired and bio-medical fluid mechanics; CFD verification and validation; development and applications of immersed boundary methods; DNS, LES, and hybrid RANS/LES methods; fluid machinery; fluid-structure interaction and flow-induced noise in industrial applications; flow applications in aerospace; active fluid dynamics and flow control: theory, experiments and implementation. - New York, N.Y. : The American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2016. - circa 800 verschieden gezählte Seiten. - FEDSM2016-7506, pp V0AT11001/1-12
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