FSI of the Turbulent Flow around a Swiveling Flat Plate Using Large–Eddy Simulation
Publication date
Document type
Conference paper
Münsch, Manuel
Organisational unit
International Workshop on Fluid– Structure Interaction: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Herrsching am Ammersee (Munich), Germany, Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2008
Book title
International Workshop on Fluid–Structure Interaction: Theory, Numerics and Applications
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Part of the university bibliography
The topic is of fluid–structure interaction plays a dominant role in many fields of engineering. Therefore, a strong need for appropriate numerical simulation tools exists with a variety of numerical and physical aspects. The special task of the present investigation is to take care about fluid–structure interaction of turbulent flows using modern simulation techniques such as large-eddy simulation. For that purpose, a new coupling scheme was recently developed which guarantees a strong coupling between the fluid and the structure but still relies on an explicit predictor–corrector scheme for time marching. Thus the specific features of numerical methods typically applied for large–eddy simulations are conserved and extended to the coupled problem. The methodology is briefly described in the paper. Furthermore, two test cases, a laminar and a turbulent flow around elastically supported cylindrical structures, were taken into account to validate the numerical scheme. Finally, the coupling algorithm is applied to a challenging test case, i.e., the turbulent flow around a swiveling flat at Re ≈ 68,000.
Cite as
Breuer, M., Münsch, M.: FSI of the Turbulent Flow around a Swiveling Flat Plate Using Large–Eddy Simulation, Proc. of the Int. Workshop on Fluid–Structure Interaction: Theory, Numerics and Applications, Herrsching am Ammersee (Munich), Germany, Sept. 29 – Oct. 1, 2008, pp. 31–42, eds. Hartmann, S., Meister, A., Schäfer, M., Turek, S., ISBN 978-3-89958-666-4, Kassel University Press, Kassel, (2009).
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