Source Localization on Multi-Robot Systems
Translated title
Quelllokalisierung mit Multi-Robotergruppen
Publication date
Document type
PhD thesis (dissertation)
Dorau, Marcus
Granting institution
Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
Exam date
Organisational unit
Part of the university bibliography
DDC Class
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
629 Andere Fachrichtungen der Ingenieurwissenschaften
Source Localization
Mobile robots
Formation Control
Autonomous Navigation
Distributed Control
LiDAR Sensor
Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Signal Processing
Obstacle Avoidance
Cooperative Navigation
Mission Planning and Decision Making
Multi-Vehicle Systems
Evolutionary Algorithms,
Robust Control
Guidance, Navigation and Control
Mobile robots have been utilized and have assisted humans for decades.
In recent years, even groups of robots have been used for specific tasks that require the control of each robot and the distribution of commands. Using groups of robots generally requires complex control structures to ensure the safety and performance of groups completing a mission. This work presents control structures for tasks such as source localization, formation control, position tracking, collision avoidance, and synthesis of an according controller. The stability of the system is examined. The mission objective of source localization and itsextension to global source localization is introduced and tackled using different algorithms. The work concludes with the implementation of a robot platform along with simulation and experimental results to show the performance of the presented methods. The main findings include the proposal of a synthesis problem for source localization with formation control, a methodology that allows the calculation of the maximum permitted delay in a multi-robot system, and implementation for source localization in an unknown indoor environment.
In recent years, even groups of robots have been used for specific tasks that require the control of each robot and the distribution of commands. Using groups of robots generally requires complex control structures to ensure the safety and performance of groups completing a mission. This work presents control structures for tasks such as source localization, formation control, position tracking, collision avoidance, and synthesis of an according controller. The stability of the system is examined. The mission objective of source localization and itsextension to global source localization is introduced and tackled using different algorithms. The work concludes with the implementation of a robot platform along with simulation and experimental results to show the performance of the presented methods. The main findings include the proposal of a synthesis problem for source localization with formation control, a methodology that allows the calculation of the maximum permitted delay in a multi-robot system, and implementation for source localization in an unknown indoor environment.
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