An Algorithm for the Temporary Acquisition of Control over Third Party Assets in Active Network Management
Publication date
Document type
Conference paper
Organisational unit
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
Book title
Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems (NEIS 2017), Hamburg, Germany, September 21-22, 2017
Part of the university bibliography
Active network management (ANM) is a promising approach to cope with the proliferation of distributed generation from renewables. The distribution system operator (DSO) can utilize its own assets in this regard, e.g. by installing remotely controllable on load tap changer transformers. Additionally, the DSO can incorporate distributed energy resources from third parties into its active network management. This, however, involves specific challenges such as dealing with temporary unavailabilities of these systems and ensuring a smooth transition between autonomous control and control by the DSO. This contribution presents an extended ANM control algorithm that addresses these challenges.
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