Data set: Impedance measurement data at the grid connection point of an ORC (Organc Rankine Cycle) system, measured in February 2024
Translated title
Datensatz: Impedanz-Messdaten vom Netzanschlusspunkt einer ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) Anlage, gemessen im Februar 2024
Publication date
Document type
Jordan, Michael
Organisational unit
Part of the university bibliography
Files openHSU_16727.xlsx (55.69 MB)
ORC NVP Impedanz Gesamt UTC bis 150 kHz
DDC Class
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
Grid impedance measurement
Grid impedance
Measurement data
The .csv file contains quarter-hourly measurement data from a medium-voltage connection point of an ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) system, spanning from February 13, 2024, at 19:33 to February 14, 2024, at 18:19. Sheets 1-6 contain the measured loop impedances. Sheets 7-12 contain the line impedances. Sheets 13 and 14 contain the positive sequence impedance. The magnitude and phase of the impedance are each split across two sheets.
Each sheet contains in column A a running index, in column B the date, in columns C and D the start and end time of the measurement, in column F the number of measurement cycles, in column G the measured quantity, and from column H onwards, the measured values from frequencies rangig from DC to 150 kHz.
Each sheet contains in column A a running index, in column B the date, in columns C and D the start and end time of the measurement, in column F the number of measurement cycles, in column G the measured quantity, and from column H onwards, the measured values from frequencies rangig from DC to 150 kHz.
These data set contains all exhibited impedance measurement outcomes from the grid connection point of the ORC system presented in the paper "Ermittlung von Resonanzfaktoren zur Oberschwingungsbewertung nach VDE-AR-N 4110 basierend auf Netzimpedanzmessungen".
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