Experimental investigation on performance of a control stage turbine under partial admission
Publication date
Document type
Research article
Berger, Antonio
Polklas, Thomas
Brunn, Oliver
Joos, Franz
Organisational unit
Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Energie (BMWi)
13th European Turbomachinery Fluid Dynamics and Thermodynamics 2019
Part of the university bibliography
Partial Admission
Steam Turbine
Operation of industrial steam turbines under partial admission is usually implemented in order to cope with fluctuations in demand while maintaining a high efficiency. Subject of the article presented is the experimental investigation of the performance and efficiency of a control stage operated with air, under partial admission. Furthermore, the steady state blade loading distribution on the stator in a free passage and at the entry into a not admitted passage is observed.
For the experiment, the single-staged axial-flow turbine is operated with varying shaft speed, pressure ratio and admission rate, realized by flow blockaging. Two rotationally symmetric stator endwall designs are tested: a plane and a contoured endwall.
Reducing the admission rate at part load decreases the efficiency, especially at high circumferential velocities as precedent investigations showed. Pumping and mixing loss behaviour shows a different scale across the performance map. To prove CFD Simulations, results of the blade loading distribution on the stator are acquired.
For the experiment, the single-staged axial-flow turbine is operated with varying shaft speed, pressure ratio and admission rate, realized by flow blockaging. Two rotationally symmetric stator endwall designs are tested: a plane and a contoured endwall.
Reducing the admission rate at part load decreases the efficiency, especially at high circumferential velocities as precedent investigations showed. Pumping and mixing loss behaviour shows a different scale across the performance map. To prove CFD Simulations, results of the blade loading distribution on the stator are acquired.
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