Training application for ostomy patients in virtual reality
Publication date
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Gruenewald, Armin
Eiler, Tanja Joan
Schmuecker, Vanessa
Giesser, Christian
Brueck, Rainer
Organisational unit
Universität Siegen
4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR 2021) ; Taichung, Taiwan ; November 15-17, 2021
Book title
2021 4th IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality
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Part of the university bibliography
Body tracking
Ostomy care
Ostomy patient
Patient training
Virtual reality
Patients suffering from colon cancer often undergo ostomy surgery. In many cases this means a large change in the life of the patients. While some patients had time to prepare for this change, it is sudden for others. The patients need to take care of their stoma on a daily basis. The steps required for this, are often taught by demonstrating the steps. However, patients often remain uncertain. In this paper, a training application for patients is discussed. This application aims to use virtual reality in order to help patients learn the necessary steps of stoma care, as well as reduce their anxiety about their new life situation. In a small feasibility study, users have tested the application and rated it with the help of a questionnaire. This has yielded positive results, and a larger, long-term study to determine the effectiveness of the application is planned in the near future.
Cite as
F. Grensing, A. Gruenewald, T. J. Eiler, V. Schmuecker, C. Gießer and R. Brueck, "Training Application for Ostomy Patients in Virtual Reality," 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Virtual Reality (AIVR), Taichung, Taiwan, 2021, pp. 210-214, doi: 10.1109/AIVR52153.2021.00048
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