Euler-Lagrange Simulations of Turbulent Two-Phase Flows with an Advanced Deterministic Bubble Coalscence Model
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Conference paper
Organisational unit
88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM)
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Part of the university bibliography
The present paper is concerned with an advanced version of the deterministic coalescence model [1] and its application to turbulent bubble-laden flows. The major drawback of this film drainage model - its incapability to handle large numbers of coalescence processes - is avoided by an a-priori determination of a parametric relation for the transition time between the main drainage mechanisms. The comparison with experimental results yields a good overall agreement, while the application to a downward pipe flow demonstrates the ability of the model to efficiently handle large numbers of coalescence processes.
Cite as
Enthalten in: 88th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics March 6-10, 2017 Weimar, Germany / Gesellschaft für Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik. - [Dresden] : [GAMM e.V.], 2017. - 2017, Seite 372-373
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