Optical channel waveguides in Nd:YVO₄ crystal produced by O+ ion implantation
Publication date
Document type
Research article
Chen, Feng
Wang, Lei
Jiang, Yi
Wang, Xue Lin
Wang, Ke Ming
Fu, Gang
Lu, Qing Ming
Rüter, Christian E.
Organisational unit
Technische Universität Clausthal
Scopus ID
Series or journal
Applied Physics Letters
Periodical volume
Part of the university bibliography
In this letter, we report on optical channel waveguides in Nd:YV O4 crystals produced by photographic masking and following direct O+ ion implantation at 3.0 MeV. Annealing treatments of the samples are performed to improve the waveguide stability and to reduce losses. An increase of the ordinary refractive index induced by the implantation is believed to be responsible for waveguide formation. Quasi-TM guided modes are observed, while no quasi-TE ones are detected. The optical damping coefficients are of 0.43, 0.63, and 0.54 cm-1 for channel waveguides with widths of 4, 5, and 6 μm, respectively. The result of modal analysis is in agreement with the experimental data. © 2006 American Institute of Physics.
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