Experimental Investigation and Large-Eddy Simulation of the Turbulent Flow past a Smooth and Rigid Hemisphere
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Research article
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Flow, turbulence and combustion : an international journal published in association with ERCOFTAC
Periodical volume
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Part of the university bibliography
© 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. The objective of the present paper is to provide a detailed experimental and numerical investigation on the turbulent flow past a hemispherical obstacle (diameter D). For this purpose, the bluff body is exposed to a thick turbulent boundary layer of the thickness δ = D/2 at Re = 50,000. In the experiment this boundary layer thickness is achieved by specific fences placed in the upstream region of the wind tunnel. A detailed measurement of the upstream flow conditions by laser-Doppler and hot-film probes allows to mimic the inflow conditions for the complementary large-eddy simulation of the flow field using a synthetic turbulence inflow generator. These clearly defined boundary and operating conditions are the prerequisites for a combined experimental and numerical investigation of the flow field relying on the laser-Doppler anemometry and a finite-volume Navier-Stokes solver for block-structured curvilinear grids. The results comprise an analysis on the unsteady flow features observed in the vicinity of the hemisphere as well as a detailed discussion of the time-averaged flow field. The latter includes the mean velocity field as well as the Reynolds stresses. Owing to the proper description of the oncoming flow and supplementary numerical studies guaranteeing the choice of an appropriate grid and subgrid-scale model, the results of the measurements and the prediction are found to be in close agreement.
Cite as
Enthalten in: Flow, turbulence and combustion. - Dordrecht [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., 1947. - Online-Ressource . - Bd. 97.2016, 4, Seite 79-119
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