Active control of target sound fields using structural-acoustic brightness applied to a ship model's acoustic signature
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Organisational unit
Active influence on signatures
Series or journal
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Periodical volume
Periodical issue
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Part of the university bibliography
DDC Class
500 Naturwissenschaften
534 Schall und verwandte Schwingungen
This manuscript presents a method for reproducing sound fields actively by using a vibrating submerged structure as the field reproduction source, with the target sound field to be reproduced defined in the frequency domain using the acoustic brightness approach. To balance the predetermination of a mono- or multi-zone target sound pressure field and the control effort required, singular value decomposition of the structural-acoustic system matrix is proposed. The dependency of the radiation efficiency into the target zone on the singular modes representing source and pressure modes is investigated using a wavenumber-domain approach. Furthermore, a feedforward control principle is adopted for adaptive sound-field reproduction with mode matching from the least squares perspective. Finally, an experiment is reported that involve synthesizing a tonal target underwater acoustic signature of a model of a fast attack craft (scale 1:8) at a measurement facility at Lake Plön in Germany. The results show that with the structural-acoustic brightness approach structural modes with radiation coupling into the target zone are excited and related pressure modes exhibit individual focus in the direction of hydrophones in use. Finally, a predetermined narrowband sound pressure field is actively reproduced at the hydrophone positions using inertial actuators and accelerometers on the ship model’s hull.
- DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.1121/10.0024362
- DOI der Zweitveröffentlichung: 10.24405/17114
Original article: Copyright © 2024, Acoustical Society of America
Supplementary materials:
- DOI der Erstveröffentlichung: 10.1121/10.0024362
- DOI der Zweitveröffentlichung: 10.24405/17114
Original article: Copyright © 2024, Acoustical Society of America
Supplementary materials:
Accepted version
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