Data set: Measurements of the positive sequence impedance of eleven measurement sites from 2016 to 2024
Translated title
Datensatz: Messungen der Mitsystem-Impedanz von elf Messstandorten zwischen 2016 und 2024
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Part of the university bibliography
Files (74.72 MB)
Positive Sequence Medium Voltage Grid Impedance Measurements
DDC Class
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften und zugeordnete Tätigkeiten
Grid impedance measurement
Grid impedance
Data set
These data sets contain all exhibited positive sequence impedance measurement outcomes presented in the paper "Survey of Harmonic Grid Impedance Measurements on the Medium Voltage Level up to 100 kHz" from the measurement sites A-K. Metadata regarding the measurement sites can be found in the paper.
The data sets are .csv files. Each row contains a single impedance measurement, consisting of the measurement time and the measurement result of the complex positive sequence Impedance from 50 Hz to 100 kHz with a stepsize of 50 Hz.
These measurement stem from several measurement campaigns conducted within the scope of three research projects. These measurement campaigns were founded in course of the research projects "NetzHarmonie" (support code: 0325757F), "NEW 4.0" (support code: 03SIN414) and "ImaStabil" (support code: 03EI4060C).
These measurement stem from several measurement campaigns conducted within the scope of three research projects. These measurement campaigns were founded in course of the research projects "NetzHarmonie" (support code: 0325757F), "NEW 4.0" (support code: 03SIN414) and "ImaStabil" (support code: 03EI4060C).
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