Impact of route and charging scheduling on the total cost of ownership for electric bus depots
Publication date
Document type
Organisational unit
IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe) : Espoo, Finland, 18.-21. October 2021
Book title
2021 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT Europe)
First page
Last page
Part of the university bibliography
DDC Class
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
Central bus depots
Charging schedule
Electric buses
Route schedule
Total cost of ownership
Many bus operators worldwide have started with the electrification of their fleets. Analysis of the total cost of ownership is an often-used tool in this process allowing the bus operators to compare different technologies, find the cost optimum composition of their fleet and make strategic decisions. This paper provides a unique combination of analyzing the total cost of ownership for two electric bus depots depending on the impact of route and charging scheduling. Two different approaches to both route and charging scheduling were analyzed enabling a quantification of their effect on the total costs. As the analysis shows, the optimized scheduling can have a significant effect on the costs, emphasizing the importance of intelligent management systems for the future electric bus depots. Additionally, this paper provides a sensitivity analysis investigating the effects of diesel and electricity prices, CO2 tax and prices for electric buses on the total cost of ownership and on the break-even point compared to the conventional fleets. The analysis was conducted using real timetables from two existing bus depots in the City of Hamburg in Germany.
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