Load- and source-based impedance measuring methods: comparing concepts and structural limitations in a laboratory environment
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Organisational unit
Book title
NEIS 2021 : Conference on Sustainable Energy Supply and Energy Storage Systems : 13-14 Sept. 2021
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Part of the university bibliography
DDC Class
620 Ingenieurwissenschaften
Grid Impedance
Frequency and time variant impedance
Active passive comparison
Sub periodic impedance
Laboratory environment
The time- and frequency-variant impedance is gaining importance as a necessary parameter to describe and determine systems and devices. There is a multitude of use-cases ranging from structural health monitoring to PLC applications. Many measuring concepts have been developed and were implemented in prototypes and first commercial solutions. In regard to the power-flow, all active concepts may be divided into either source-based systems, which actively feed a current into a measuring setup, or load-based approaches, which switch passive loads and therefore draw a current from the setup. The main objective of this paper is to compare and distinguish the two basic concepts within a controlled laboratory environment by switching between a constant and a sub-periodically influenced load scenario.
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