Computed Test Case: Square Cylinder
Publication date
Document type
Conference paper
Chollet, J. P.
Voke, R. P.
Kleiser, L.
Organisational unit
Workshop on Direct and Large–Eddy Simulation, Grenoble, France, Sept. 16–19, 1996,
Book title
Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation II : Proceedings of the ERCOFTAC Workshop held in Grenoble, France, 16-19 September 1996
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Last page
Part of the university bibliography
Three calculations made with the LESOCC code have been completed. LESOCC is a second order accurate finite volume method on a collocated grid in general curvilinear coordinates, used for the calculations at the Rottach-Egern workshop. Two were presented at the Rottach-Egern workshop (UKAHY1 and UKAHY2, called UK1 and UK2 here). It was decided to continue runs with the UK2 grid, since in the case of the UK1 grid the near wall boundary resolution was very probably inadequate. The main aim is to check some of the conclusions, reached at the Rottach-Egern workshop. Among others, conclusions were made regarding the use of wall laws. UK3 is new; it is equivalent to UK2 except that no wall function was used but a simple no-slip BC. It allows conclusions regarding the use of a wall law.
Cite as
Pourquie, M., Breuer, M., Rodi, W. (1997). Computed Test Case: Square Cylinder. In: Chollet, JP., Voke, P.R., Kleiser, L. (eds) Direct and Large-Eddy Simulation II. ERCOFTAC Series, vol 5. Springer, Dordrecht.
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