Automating the Development of Machine Skills and their Semantic Description
Publication date
Document type
Conference paper
Hildebrandt, Constantin
Caesar, Birte
Bakakeu, Jupiter
Peschke, Jörn
Scholz, André
Organisational unit
25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA), 08-11 September 2020, Vienna, Austria
Book title
2020 25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation (ETFA)
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Part of the university bibliography
In order to approach the vision of quickly integrating new machines and their functionalities into a production plant, machines have to provide a machine-readable description of themselves and their functionalities. With such a description, it becomes possible to find required functions, check compatibility and, finally, execute production processes. In recent years, semantic web technologies have proven to be a promising enabler to realize such descriptions in the form of ontologies. But the creation of such an ontological description is an additional, tedious and error-prone task for a machine developer who might most likely not be an expert in semantic web technologies. In order to support developers in implementing machine function-alities as semantically described skills, we developed a method that highly automates all additional ontology-related tasks. The presented method makes use of information already contained in engineering artifacts, helps in adding additional information, and provides a framework to implement skill behavior. By using the proposed method, machine developers are put in a position to develop formal capability models themselves and with little additional effort.
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