Agent-based decentralised architecture for multi-stage and integrated scheduling
Publication date
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Conference paper
Organisational unit
25th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies And Factory Automation (ETFA 2020), September 08-11, 2020, Vienna, Austria
Agent.Pro - Agentenbasierte Produktions- und Logistiksteuerung
Part of the university bibliography
Traditional centrally controlled production and logistics systems of mass production exhibit difficulties to cope with the new reality of frequent changes in manufacturing technology and product design. Agent-based decentralized decision-making can be a means to cope with the complex nature of modern manufacturing systems. This contribution proposes an agent architecture to integrate production and transportation scheduling and process planning. It also incorporates shared resources, such as operators, into the process, which further improves the solution. To be suitable for quick rescheduling, the approach includes an efficient underlying communication protocol. The integrated scheduling of overhead cranes serves as an application example and illustration of the approach. The runtime efficiency of the algorithm makes it suitable for practical applications within manufacturing systems.
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