Photorefractive Spatial Solitons
Publication date
Document type
Research article
Organisational unit
Universität Osnabrück
Series or journal
Advances in Solid State Physics
Periodical volume
First page
Last page
Part of the university bibliography
Non-diffracting wave packages or solitons have been the subject of intense study over the last three decades. In particular optical spatial solitons, for which diffraction is exactly balanced by self-focusing in a nonlinear medium, have strongly stimulated the research in the field of solitons in the 90’s, especially in photorefractive crystals. Such optical spatial solitons exhibit particle-like behavior in their interactions and stability properties, conserving energy and momentum, and the fascinating results obtained in this field have major consequences in many non-optical systems that can support solitons. This article explains the basic mechanisms that lead to soliton formation, in particular in photorefractive crystals, and gives a short overview of new directions like composite solitons, incoherent solitons formed with spatially incoherent light, and incoherent modulation instability. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2001
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