Table-top interferometry on extreme time and wavelength scales
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Document type
Research article
Skruszewicz, Slawomir
Przystawik, Andreas
Schwickert, David
Sumfleth, Malte
Namboodiri, Mahesh
Hilbert, Vinzenz
Klas, Robert
Gierschke, Philipp
Schuster, Vittoria
Vorobiov, Anton
Haunhorst, Christian
Limpert, Jens
Rothhardt, Jan
Laarmann, Tim
Organisational unit
Scopus ID
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arXiv ID
Series or journal
Optics express
Periodical volume
Periodical issue
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Part of the university bibliography
Short-pulse metrology and dynamic studies in the extreme ultraviolet (XUV) spectral range greatly benefit from interferometric measurements. In this contribution a Michelson-type all-reflective split-and-delay autocorrelator operating in a quasi amplitude splitting mode is presented. The autocorrelator works under a grazing incidence angle in a broad spectral range (10 nm - 1 μm) providing collinear propagation of both pulse replicas and thus a constant phase difference across the beam profile. The compact instrument allows for XUV pulse autocorrelation measurements in the time domain with a single-digit attosecond precision and a useful scan length of about 1 ps enabling a decent resolution of E/ΔE = 2000 at 26.6 eV. Its performance for selected spectroscopic applications requiring moderate resolution at short wavelengths is demonstrated by characterizing a sharp electronic transition at 26.6 eV in Ar gas. The absorption of the 11th harmonic of a frequency-doubled Yb-fiber laser leads to the well-known 3s3p64p1P1 Fano resonance of Ar atoms. We benchmark our time-domain interferometry results with a high-resolution XUV grating spectrometer and find an excellent agreement. The common-path interferometer opens up new opportunities for short-wavelength femtosecond and attosecond pulse metrology and dynamic studies on extreme time scales in various research fields.
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