Power spectroscopy with electrical reverberation chambers for EMC
Publication date
Document type
Conference paper
Schlie, Claas Hendrik
Vierck, Christian
Potthast, Stefan
Schaarschmidt, Martin
Sabath, Frank
Wendt, Kai Uwe
Organisational unit
19ème Colloque International et Exposition sur la Compatibilité ÉlectroMagnétique (CEM 2018)
Part of the university bibliography
DDC Class
600 Technik
Electromagnetic compatibility
Electromagnetic reverberation chamber
Microwave spectroscopy
Power spectroscopy
Critical frequencies at which electromagnetic fields couple into an electronic device can be identified by comparing the power dissipation of a loaded electromagnetic reverberation chamber to that of an unloaded one. However, working conditions that ensure the required statistical electromagnetic field distribution may also imply a bad signal-to-noise ratio for the measured dissipated power. The purpose of this work is to discuss a measurement procedure and methods for data processing that, nevertheless, allow for gaining significant information from a power spectral analysis in a reverberation chamber. This comprises methods that are based on a fit of suited parametric models for the power absorption of uni- or multi-modal resonators. Their validity has been proven by simple DUTs with previously known characteristics.
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