Flexible learning under stress: neurocognitive mechanism and clinical implications - Teilprojekt B – Stress und flexibles Lernen: Kontextanpassung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit
Teilprojekt B – Stress und flexibles Lernen: Kontextanpassung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit The research „Flexible learning under stress: neurocognitive mechanism and clinical implications" plans to decode the influence of emotions and stress on the flexibility of learning. Complementary psychological and neuroscientific methods are combined to accomplish this goal. The clinical relevance of stress effects on the flexibility of learning will be studied with regard to the development of stress-associated psychological disorders. In modern societies, stress is omnipresent and can have significant influence on mental activity, feeling and acting. At the same time, flexible adaptation to changing environments is required. Cardiovascular diseases, muscular disorders and mental disorders may be consequences of stress. Stress-associated mental disorders are the main reason for early retirement and were responsible for more than 50 million sick days in Germany in 2012. To prevent cognitive changes as well as psychological disorders, an understanding of the mechanisms underlying the manipulation of cognitive processes through stress is indispensable. This research is a cooperation between the University of Hamburg, the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (UKE), Helmut-Schmidt-University Hamburg and Medical School Hamburg.
Project Title
Flexible learning under stress: neurocognitive mechanism and clinical implications - Teilprojekt B – Stress und flexibles Lernen: Kontextanpassung selektiver Aufmerksamkeit