Plenz, Maik
9 results
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- PublicationOpen AccessDer Einfluss von Klimafaktoren auf Assets im Bereich Umspannwerke und Hochspannung(Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, 2023-12)
; ;Heider, Felix; ;Niechziol, RalfDie Auswirkungen des Klimawandels sind weltweit spür- und messbar. Langanhaltende Dürrephasen in Frankreich, Überschwemmungen in Italien, wochenlange Waldbrände in den Vereinigten Staaten und Kanada sind nach verschiedenen Experten, wie bspw. des IPCC, Auswirkungen eines sich verschiebenden Klimas. In Deutschland wirken sich die Folgen auf die Umwelt und die Wirtschafts- und Lebensbereiche aus. Auch die Strukturen der Energielogistik sind betroffen. Speziell in Großstädten sind die Auswirkungen spürbar. Klimatische Faktoren wie Temperaturerhöhungen zur Luft und im Boden, Häufigkeit von Niederschlägen und deren Menge aber auch Vegetationsveränderungen oder Extremwetter wirken sich besonders aus. Speziell in der elektrischen Infrastruktur und hier mit dem Fokus auf Übertragung und Verteilung, wird eine Wirkungskette und deren Auswirkungen untersucht. Grundlage ist eine Zusammenarbeit mit der Stromnetz Hamburg GmbH (SNH), bei welchem die Betroffenheit der Verteilnetze und die techno-ökonomischen Auswirkungen und Anpassungsoptionen auf wichtige Assets in zwei Berichten untersucht werden. Nachfolgend werden anonymisierte Auszüge aus den Ergebnissen vorgestellt und die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels beschrieben. Ziel des Papers ist die Darstellung des aktuellen Forschungsstandes auf dem Gebiet der klimatischen Auswirkungen auf Assets von Netzbetreibern. - PublicationMetadata onlyFlexibility Quantification and the Potential for Its Usage in the Case of Electric Bus Depots with Unidirectional Charging(2022-05-01)
; ;Heider, Felix; One of the crucial steps for a successful integration of electric bus fleets into the existing electric power systems is the active and intelligent usage of their flexibility. This is important not only for reducing the eventual negative effects on the power grid but also for reducing energy and infrastructure costs. The first step in the optimal usage of flexibility is its quantification, which al-lows the maximum provision of flexibility without any negative effects for the fleet operation. This paper explores the available flexibility of large‐scale electric bus fleets with a concept of centralized and unidirectional depot charging. An assessment of available positive and negative flexibility was conducted based on the data from two real bus depots in the city of Hamburg, Germany. The analysis shows the biggest flexibility potential was in the period from 16:00 h to 24:00 h, and the smallest one was in the periods from 08:00 h to 16:00 h, as well as from 02:00 h to 08:00 h. The paper also gives an overview of the possible markets for flexibility commercialization in Germany, which can provide an additional economic benefit for the fleet operators. A further analysis of the impact of parameters such as the timeline (working day or weekend), charging concept, ambient temperature, and electrical preconditioning provides an additional understanding of available flexibility. - PublicationMetadata onlyExtended residential power management interface for flexibility communication and uncertainty reduction for flexibility system operatorsThe high importance of demand-side management for the stability of future smart grids came into focus years ago and is today undisputed among a wide spectrum of energy market participants, and within the research community. The increasing development of communication infrastructure, in tandem with the rising transparency of power grids, supports the efforts for deploying demand-side management applications. While it is then accepted that demand-side management will yield positive contributions, it remains challenging to identify, communicate, and access available flexibility to the flexibility managers. The knowledge about the system potential is essential to determine impacts of control and adjustment signals, and employ temporarily required demand-side flexibility to ensure power grid stability. The aim of this article is to introduce a methodology to determine and communicate local flexibility potential of end-user energy systems to flexibility managers for short-term access. The presented approach achieves a reliable calculation of flexibility, a standardized data aggregation, and a secure communication. With integration into an existing system architecture, the general applicability is outlined with a use case scenario for one end-user energy system. The approach yields a transparent short-term flexibility potential within the flexibility operator system.
- PublicationOpen AccessMultivariate Analysemethode zur Bewertung der Einflüsse des Klimawandels auf umbaute Umspannwerke(Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 2022)
; ;Heider, Felix - PublicationMetadata onlyA generic EV charging model extracted from real charging behaviourTo capture reliable information about the existing flexibility potential of electric vehicles forecasts of charging processes are required in order to allow of utilization and management of available flexibility. Measurements of vehicles from different manufacturers show a heterogeneous behaviour of charging characteristics and charging characteristic switching points when connected to 11 kW charging stations. This paper analyzes the relationship between vehicle-specific easy to identify parameters and the charging characteristics. The proposed generic model is able to capture different charging characteristics with only a small set of parameters, to generate vehicle-specific forecast profiles.
- PublicationMetadata onlySmart grid power management interface for use of short-term flexibilityThe high importance of Demand-Side-Management for the stability of future smart grids is consensus among a wide spectrum of energy market participants and within the research community. While it is accepted that Demand-Side-Management will yield positive contributions, it remains challenging to identify, access, and communicate available flexibilities to the flexibility managers in order to determine impacts and choose temporarily required demand-side flexibility to ensure system stability. In this paper we introduce a methodology to determine and communicate local flexibility potential of end-users to flexibility managers for short-term access. The presented approach achieves a reliable calculation of flexibility, a standardized low bandwidth data aggregation, and communication. With the integration into an existing system architecture the general applicability is outlined with a one end-user use case. The approach yields a transparent short-term flexibility potential within the flexibility manager system.
- PublicationOpen AccessEinflüsse des Klimawandels auf ausgewählte Assetklassen von Verteilnetzbetreibern(Universitätsbibliothek der HSU / UniBwH, 2021)
; ;Ziller, Paul ;Heider, Felix; - PublicationOpen AccessSmart-Meter-Gateway-basiertes Demand Side Management(Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, 2021)
;Heider, Felix; - PublicationMetadata onlyResidential load modeling for energy application and integration studies in the framework of smart meter gatewaysWith the implementation of a high secure communication infrastructure in Germany above the low voltage grid the integration of a wide spectrum of energy applications is conceivable, but not easily testable. The lack of a fundamental model, depicting the properties of the Smart Meter Gateway (SMGW) as the central communication device leads to integration studies with possible variations in the basic assumptions and their comparability. The aim of this paper is the development of a modeling approach that can accurately capture the SMGw properties and the challenges of the utilities and companies under various conditions. The developed methodology can be applied to several grid-compliant or market-oriented engineering questions and their potential for new business models through, e.g. switch-off flexibility communication, utilizing the SMGw as additional signal and data exchange layer of the future grid.