Now showing 1 - 4 of 4
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Detailed Controller Synthesis and Laboratory Verification of a Matching-Controlled Grid-Forming Inverter for Microgrid Applications
    Grid-forming inverters are the essential components in the effort to integrate renewable energy resources into stand-alone power systems and microgrids. Performance of these inverters directly depends on their control parameters embodied in the controller. Even the most conscientiously designed controller will exhibit suboptimal performance upon implementation due to the presence of parasitic elements in the existing hardware. Hence, the controller has to be tuned and optimized. In the present article, the process of implementation, laboratory verification, and tuning of a matching-controlled grid-forming inverter is presented. In order to assess the efficiency of the grid-forming controller, its operation has been tested and analyzed in blackstart, steady state, and transient operation. For this purpose, a systematic sensitivity analysis has been conducted and the control parameters have been tuned in laboratory tests. The laboratory results verify proper operation of a 7 kW grid-forming inverter in all three test scenarios. After applying the proposed method on the tested grid-forming inverter in steady state operation, total harmonic distortion (THD) of the output voltage is less than 0.5% for its practical loading range (maximum THD is less than 1% in no-load condition). The system is able to blackstart and supply the loads. Finally, the studied grid-forming inverter is stable in the presence of severe step load changes and disturbances, i.e., voltage overshoot is managed well and compensated for with a low settling time using this approach.
  • Publication
    Metadata only
    Grid-forming fuel cell system for a multi-energy-microgrid in islanding operation
    (VDE Verlag, 2023-04-19) ;
    Blanz, Johannes
    A promising method to tackle spatial and temporal challenges of an increasing share of renewables is the coupling of different energy sectors. Especially gas and electricity systems profit from possible bidirectional energy flows in order to support the sensitive electric grid through gas-to-power technologies such as fuel cells and the possibility to store surplus electrical energy using power-to-gas technologies such as electrolyzers. The grid connection is usually realized using power electronics leading to dynamic and transient interactions between gas sector, conversion technology, power electronics and electric sector. Thus, a good understanding of the operation of the conversion technologies under these new circumstances is necessary. In this paper a model of a multi-energy microgrid consisting of a fuel cell system, a battery, a photovoltaic system each connected through power electronics to an AC load is presented. The model is investigated in island mode with volatile solar irradiation and load. The aim is to investigate the fuel cell system aptitude as a grid-forming unit and the benefits of using a battery as grid-supporting unit to enhance grid resilience. The simulation results show that the transient behaviour of the fuel cell system during a load step on fuel cell and grid side could be enhanced by using the fuel cell system‘s DC bus voltage as a reference, in addition to the AC side’s active power, for the battery inverter control.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    SmInT-Grid: Demonstrator eines multi-Energiesystems aus gekoppelten Inselnetzen
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Fakultät für Elektrotechnik, Professur für Elektrische Energiesysteme, 2022) ; ;