openHSU – Schaufenster zur Forschung

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    Open Access
    Entwicklung eines semi-probabilistischen Bemessungskonzepts zur Optimierung der Füllung einer Binnenschifffahrtsschleuse
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, Bibliothek, 2024-04-25)
    Belzner, Fabian
    Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
    Schlenkhoff, Andreas
    Diese Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Vertäuung von Binnenschiffen in Schleusen. Ziel der Arbeit ist die Entwicklung einer Methodik zur Bestimmung der Seilkräfte der Vertäuung in Abhängigkeit von der Schiffskraft. Die Seilkräfte müssen begrenzt werden, um ein Versagen der Trossen zu verhindern. Im Fall eines Trossenrisses wird die Spannenergie schlagartig frei und es besteht Lebensgefahr durch zurückschnellende Trossenenden. Diese Forschungsarbeit leistet damit einen Beitrag zur notwendigen Überarbeitung der Kriterien für die während einer Schleusung zulässigen Schiffskräfte. Von der wirkenden Schiffskraft kann nicht direkt auf die wirkende Trossenkraft geschlossen werden, da letztere unter anderem von unbekannten Parametern wie Trossenlänge, Trossenmaterial und der Vorspannung abhängt. Aus diesem Grund werden Trossen und Schiffskräfte in einem statistischen Zusammenhang betrachtet. Damit wird das Verhältnis von Trossen- zu Schiffskraft durch einen Verstärkungsfaktor und eine korrespondierende Überschreitungswahrscheinlichkeit ausgedrückt, was eine direkte Bestimmung der zulässigen Schiffskräfte in Abhängigkeit von einem festzulegenden Risiko ermöglicht. Hierfür werden zunächst mit Monte-Carlo-Simulationen auf Basis eines stark abstrahierten Modells die wirkenden Trossenkräfte bestimmt. Der erzeugte Datensatz wird zur statistischen Beschreibung der Verstärkungsfaktoren genutzt. Die Zulässigkeit der Abstraktion wird durch einen Vergleich mit den Ergebnissen eines hierfür erstellten 3D-hydronumerischen Modells auf Basis des Strömungslösers OpenFOAM® nachgewiesen. Weiterhin wurde der hydronumerische Ansatz durch einen Vergleich mit einem gegenständlichen Labormodell des Systems validiert.
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    Open Access
    Newsletter 01/2024
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 2024-04) ;
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    Metadata only
    Knowledge discovery meets linked APIs
    (RWTH, 2013)
    Hoxha, Julia
    Korevaar, Peter
    Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD) is a very wellestablished research field with useful techniques that explore patterns and regularities in large relational, structured and unstructured datasets. Theoretical and practical development in this field have led to useful and scalable solutions for the tasks of pattern mining, clustering, graph mining, and predictions. In this paper, we demonstrate that these approaches represent great potential to solve a series of problems and make further optimizations in the setting of Web APIs, which have been significantly increasing recently. In particular, approaches integrating Web APIs and Linked Data, also referred to as Linked APIs, provide novel opportunities for the application of synergy approaches with KDD methods. We give insights on several aspects that can be covered through such synergy approach, then focus, specifically, on the problem of API usage mining via statistical relational learning.We propose a Hidden Relational Model, which explores the usage of Web APIs to enable analysis and prediction. The benefit of such model lies on its ability to capture the relational structure of API requests. This approach might help not only to gain insights about the usage of the APIs, but most importantly to make active predictions on which APIs to link together for creating useful mashups, or facilitating API composition.
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    iService: Human Computation through Semantic Web Services
    (RWTH, 2008) ;
    Komazec, Srdjan
    Grasic, Bostjan
    Denaux, Ronald
    This paper presents iService, a platform which addresses the inferiority of computing technology in certain problem domains (like identifying objects in photos or videos or researching data details), by enabling a simple, scalable and on-demand access to human intelligence in the form of Semantic Web Services by using the Web as a platform and common mobile devices as user interface.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Selektive Adsorption von Nickel(II)- und Cobalt(II)-Ionen aus sauren Prozesslösungen
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 2024)
    Kriese, Friederike Karolin
    Niemeyer, Bernd
    Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
    The demand for raw materials such as nickel, cobalt and lithium has risen due to the grow¬ing demand for batteries. In order to meet this high demand, the use of efficient recycling processes is becoming important. Adsorption as a basic process engineering operation is an efficient separation process, since e.g. a high selectivity can be set. In this work, a functionalized silica-based adsorbent for the selective separation of nickel(II) cations in the presence of cobalt(II) cations was identified and characterized with the aim of using it in battery recycling or in the electroplating of components with gold. On the one hand, it was challenging to find selectively binding ligands, as the two target substances have similar physical-chemical properties. On the other hand, acidic pH values and in¬creased temperatures are unfavorable process conditions for adsorptive bonding. In the course of the screening process for the adsorbent, it was identified that despite the initial acidic pH value, the pH value was shifted to the basic environment during adsorption by some of the functionalized adsorbents, so that separation took place by metal hydroxide precipi¬tation instead of adsorption. This was not considered in previous studies in the literature. The control of the pH value in the equilibrium state in discontinuous adsorption experiments was therefore established as the first screening criterion. The adsorbent HSU331, finally favored for the application, enabled the separation of nickel(II) and cobalt(II) by chelate complexation under the given process conditions. The complex nickel(II)/HSU331 always produced higher equilibrium constants in direct compari¬son to cobalt(II)/HSU331. Thus, the energetic effect was exploited as a selectivity mech¬anism. Consequently, high integral selectivities for nickel(II) up to S_(Nickel(II)/L,L) = 0.98 could be quantified. A requirement for the occurrence of selectivity was that the total initial ad¬sorptive amount corresponded approximately to the amount of substance of the binding sites present. The selectivity with respect to nickel(II) (up to S_(Nickel(II)/L,L) = 0.97) remained comparable when the model system nickel(II)/cobalt(II) was extended by lithium(I) or a gold electrolyte solution. Kinetical investigations showed that the equilibrium loadings were reached after 5 to 10 min, so that short residence times can be set for a later con¬tinuous operation of the adsorption. Desorption tests confirmed the difference in equilibrium state between nickel(II)/HSU331 and cobalt(II)/HSU331. Cobalt(II) was already completely desorbed by a diluted nitric acid solution with pH = 1.0, whereas nickel(II) was only desorbed at pH = 0.5.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Durability of hybrid salt concretes for sealing structures for nuclear waste repositories in contact with saline solutions
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 2024)
    Henning, Ricky
    Keßler, Sylvia 
    Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg
    Götz-Neunhoeffer, Friedlinde
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Sammelband zum Workshop: Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnisse der Professur für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebssysteme 2023
    (Helmut-Schmidt-Universität / Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg, 2024-03-19)
    Benninger, Moritz
    ; ; ;
    Kowalski, Matthias
    ; ;
    Zellmer, Florian
    In diesem Sammelband werden die aktuellen Entwicklungen und Forschungsergebnisse der Professur für Elektrische Maschinen und Antriebssysteme im Jahr 2023 vorgestellt. An der Professur wurden zwei Promotionen abgeschlossen und erfolgreich verteidigt. Das Thema der Dissertation von Herrn Pedram Quseiri Darbandeh lautet „Fault Diagnosis in a Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor using Deep Learning“. Er untersucht hier sehr strukturiert und umfangreich die Möglichkeiten der datenbasierten Fehlerklassifizierung in Abhängigkeit verschiedener Sensorsignale, Datenaufbereitungsmethoden und verschiedener Trainingsmethoden für neuronale Netze. Herr Johannes Liebrich hat zum Thema „Entwicklung einer Methode zur Chrakterisierung von Hochtemperatur-Supraleitern” promoviert. Die Arbeit liefert wichtige Erkenntnisse zu Schadensmechanismen und dem Ermüdungsverhalten von Supraleitern. Der entwickelte Versuchsstand kann zudem auch zur mechanischen Untersuchung weiterer Materialproben unter kryogenen Bedingungen verwendet werden. Mit den gewonnenen Erkenntnissen werden in Folgeprojekten supraleitende Spulen erforscht, welche für den Einsatz in Windenergieanlagen geeignet sind. In diesem Jahr konnten zwei Forschungsprojekte abgeschlossen werden. Zum einen ein ZIM-Projekt, welches die Entwicklung einer mobilen und flexibel einsetzbaren Prüfmethode für entmagnetisierte Bauteile zum Ziel hatte. Hierbei ist es möglich mit einer festen Sensoranordnung auf die globale Magnetisierung eines Prüflings in einer magnetisch geschirmten Kammer zu schließen und das Magnetfeld für unterschiedliche Abstände zu ermitteln. Zum anderen wurde das Verbundprojekt KOBRA abgeschlossen, bei dem die Professur einen deutlich leistungsfähigeren Anodenantrieb auf Basis einer „Flux-Switching-Machine“ erforscht und messtechnisch validiert hat. Zudem wurde ein neues ZIM-Projekt zur Entwicklung eines intelligenten Wellenschwingungs-Torsionssensors eingeworben (AI-Torque).
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Leveraging self-supervised learning for vibration data in industrial separators
    Heuwinkel, Tim
    Merkelbach, Silke
    Janssen, Nils
    Enzberg, Sebastian von
    Dumitrescu, Roman
    Industrial separators play a pivotal role in production processes of various sectors such as chemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, oil extraction and food industries, with over 3000 distinct applications. Operating these separators involves managing several process parameters as well as discharge and cleaning cycles, which are hard to control mainly due to deficiencies of current physical sensor technology. Recent studies have shown that machine learning can be utilized to detect faults and particle presence in separators via vibration data. However, traditional machine learning methods require domain expertise or vast amounts of labeled data. We propose the use of self-supervised learning to resolve this issue by learning useful representations from unlabeled data, which is significantly easier and cheaper to obtain. An empirical validation on data from a disk stack separator shows that self-supervised learning can improve upon manual feature engineering and supervised approaches in terms of cost, accuracy and data efficiency.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Machine learning pipeline for application in manufacturing
    Fitzner, Antje
    Hülsmann, Tom
    Ackermann, Thomas
    Pouls, Kevin
    Krauß, Jonathan
    Mende, Felix
    Leyendecker, Lars
    Schmitt, Robert H.
    The integration of machine learning (ML) into manufacturing processes is crucial for optimizing efficiency, reducing costs, and enhancing overall productivity. This paper proposes a comprehensive ML pipeline tailored for manufacturing applications, leveraging the widely recognized Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) as its foundational framework. The proposed pipeline consists of key phases, namely business understanding, use case selection and specification, data integration, data preparation, modelling, deployment, and certification. These are designed to meet the unique requirements and challenges associated with ML implementation in manufacturing settings. Within each phase, sub-topics are defined to provide a granular understanding of the workflow. Responsibilities are clearly outlined to ensure a structured and efficient execution, promoting collaboration among stakeholders. Further, the input and output of each phase are defined. The methodology outlined in this research not only enhances the applicability of CRISP-DM in the manufacturing domain but also serves as a guide for practitioners seeking to implement ML solutions in a systematic and well-defined manner. The proposed pipeline aims to streamline the integration of ML technologies into manufacturing processes, facilitating informed decision-making and fostering the development of intelligent and adaptive manufacturing systems.
  • Publication
    Open Access
    Data acqusition challenges in AI-driven surface inspection: a proven solution proposal on coated sheet metal parts
    Hunger, Sebastian
    Breiter, Michael
    Klein, Claudia
    This paper introduces an advanced AI-based automated surface inspection system for enhanced quality control in the manufacturing of white-coated sheet metal parts. The study emphasizes overcoming the challenges in AI-driven inspection, such as the need for large datasets corresponding to numerous physical components, which presents storage and logistical issues. By integrating Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and a novel annotation process, the system can be trained effectively on various surface defects. The paper discusses three big data acquisition challenges and provides a solution approach, including large data volumes equivalent to numerous physical components, a novel division of the training process to reduce the workload for domain experts and the relevance of previously clearly defined defect classes.